Yoga for Pregnancy and Parenthood
Relax. Adapt. Welcoming the Change.
My Pregnancy Yoga Classes are delivered in a safe, effective, uplifting and empowering manner with a wonderful sense of community.
This is a huge change for the mother, whether it is her first child or her fifth! Each pregnancy brings with it different experiences and it is of the utmost importance that the woman feels supported throughout her pregnancy and is dutifully cared for.
I aspire to offer a non-judgemental and informative environment, helping to make these months as enjoyable as possible.
Practicing yoga throughout your pregnancy can bring endless benefits.
Can allow a quicker post-natal recovery
Aids sleep
Better joint mobility
Encourages balance back into the woman's body; postural and alignment issues naturally occur as the pregnancy progresses so we work to counterbalance these
Helps improve cardiovascular circulation and lymphatic drainage (detoxifying the body from unwanted toxins and foreign substances, helping to purify the body and maintain a healthy immune system.)
Helps relieve any aches and pains, stretches out your tender muscles and releases tensions in the body.
Encouragement, through practice, to mentally and emotionally connect with the situation and growing bump.
Optimal Foetal Position can be encouraged, through yoga, later in pregnancy
Encourages a good, positive mind set
Aids breathing efficiency during labour
It is not advised that the woman practice throughout her first trimester (0-13 weeks).
Ladies, please bring a bottle of water with you in order to stay hydrated at all times.
Please advise ahead of time, whenever possible, of any particular ailments.
Please ask if you unsure about attending class. In some cases a doctors’ note may be required.